Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Hunger pangs at 4:25

I wake up to hear the “rumblings” in my tummy, that sounded like… never mind. I pick up my clock to see it is just 4:25 a.m., just 2 and a half hours from the last time I checked the time!! I watch my daughter, mind you, eight years old, who convincingly convinced us that since it’s summer they can sleep in our room, on our bed and use me as her pillow. So I watch her lying on my belly, peacefully asleep with a serene smile on her face. She must think she is by the shores of Boracay, mistaking the roaring hunger pangs (of my stomach) to the calming waves of the white sand beach.

Of course I couldn’t move, couldn’t do a thing, lest I disturb my princess’ beauty sleep. Here I am craving for the Swiss Franks that I just recently discovered, that tastes a bit like Purefoods hotdog, not available here, sadly. And the creamy scrambled eggs my friend chef of Holiday Inn prepared for me….hotel scrambled eggs fresh from the pan. He told me the secret is the butter. Blast!! I don’t have butter. In my effort to try and lose those last thirty unwanted pounds I have scratched out butter from my shopping list and replaced it with Olivani.

I dream away….hoping to satisfy this hunger pang with a dream. And 15 minutes later, I am still awake. I am grateful for the hunger pangs. It reminds me that I am blessed... I can choose to eat or not to eat.

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