Sunday, July 15, 2012


I was cleaning up my freezer and saw on the side door two packs of Bacalao !! Thought I'd try Bacalao for breakfast the next day instead of my usual bacon, pork and beans with fried eggs on Sunday.

500 grams bacalao
1/2 kilo tomatoes - about 4 large ones--boiled and peeled and chopped
4 large onions - 3 onions choppped and 1 small cut in ringsfor garnish
2 red bell pepper- julienned - cut in strips - 1/2 bell pepper for garnish
1 large can chick peas- drained
6 large cloves of garlic - minced
2 large potatoes, cubed by 3/4 inch and deep fried
olive oil - about 1 cup
bread crumbs

Soak the bacalao on water overnight
The next day, remove the water and drain the fish
Soak again in cold water in a pan and let boil. The minute it boils, remove the fish from the water and debone. The fish shouldn't get cooked.

Some like the bacalao flaked and some like it in morsels. I prefer the morsels, but it's really up to you.

Just debone the fish and depending on how you want it, flake or cut into slices or cubes.

Don't forget to preheat the oven at 200.

Dredge the fish in flour and fry on olive oil, set aside
Fry the garlic, add the 3 chopped onions, then the tomatoes and 1 and half bell pepper
Let it simmer and then add the fish slowly mixing it-preventing the fish from flaking further and simmer for 5 to 10 minutes.
Add the chick peas and chick peas and simmer for another 5 minutes

Pour the cooked bacalao over the baking dish.
Layer the onion rings and leftover bell pepper over the dish and sprinkle some capers (if desired). Sprinkle with bread crumbs (store bought is fine).
Bake for 20 minutes and Voila!!

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